Monday, June 7, 2010

Mongolia and China sign documents

pm_and_vin_ji_bo.jpgThe sides have inked some documents after the negotiations between Mongolia and the People's Republic of China. Firstly, the officials of the sides signed a Mongolia-China inter-governmental treaty on the Mongolia-China boundary regime and an inter-governmental agreement on the economic and technical cooperation.
 The countries also inked governmental exchange of notes on founding a street named after Beijing with money of a non-refundable aid rendered from China's government and inter-governmental protocols "On resuming and altering the agreement of mutual recognition of educational certificates and academic degrees", "On implementing the Mongolia-China inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in customs and mutual assistance, established September 7 of 1993" and an inter-governmental protocol on exchanging information between the General Customs Offices of Mongolia and the PRC.
Special loan agreements were inked between the countries for a sub-project of buying a locomotive in frames of the project on improving infrastructure of the railways' rolling stock to be financed with a soft loan of USD 300 million from the Chinese government, and for improving an infrastructure of Zamyn-Uud soum with this soft loan from China.
The bilateral final document is a mutual understanding memorandum between Mongolia's Nuclear Energy Agency and the PRC's National Nuclear Corporation on cooperation in the spheres of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy.
Source: Montsame


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