Wednesday, September 8, 2010

“Discover Mongolia 2010”

“Discover Mongolia 2010” on September 8-10

 The Organizing Committee of Discover Mongolia has announced that the 8th annual International Mining Investors Forum will be held in Ulaanbaatar on September 8-10. “Mongolia is an exciting frontier in minerals industry where world class deposits are being discovered. Among them are the massive Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold deposit and Tavan Tolgoi- the world’s largest undeveloped coking coal deposit and many others” said Mr. Ankhbayar Gurdorj, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
Mongolia welcomes investment in minerals business, and “Discover Mongolia” International Mining Investors Forum remains a resourceful base to launch and expand businesses, establish new contacts, learn of the latest developments and make deals.
In 2009, the 7th “Discover Mongolia” Forum was organized by the Mongolian National Mining Association alone, but this year, the founding members have decided to help in the efforts of the MNMA to add more value to the Forum and reinvigorate the business and entrepreneurial spirit among the participating investors by boosting the quality, content and scope of the Forum events.


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